We present a novel visualization application designed to explore the time-dependent development of magnetic fields of neutron stars. The strongest magnetic fields in the universe can be found within neutron stars, potentially playing a role in initiating astrophysical jets and facilitating the outflow of neutron-rich matter, ultimately resulting in the production of heavy elements during binary neutron star mergers. Since such effects may be dependent on the strength and configuration of the magnetic field, the formation and parameters of such fields are part of current research in astrophysics. Magnetic fields are investigated using simulations in which various initial configurations are tested. However, the long-term configuration is an open question, and current simulations do not achieve a stable magnetic field. Neutron star simulations produce data quantities in the range of several terabytes, which are both spatially in 3D and temporally resolved. Our tool enables physicists to interactively explore the generated data. We first convert the data in a pre-processing step and then we combine sparse vector field visualization using streamlines with dense vector field visualization using line integral convolution. We provide several methods to interact with the data responsively. This allows the user to intuitively investigate data-specific issues. Furthermore, diverse visualization techniques facilitate individual exploration of the data and enable real-time processing of specific domain tasks, like the investigation of the time-dependent evolution of the magnetic field. In a qualitative study, domain experts tested the tool, and the usability was queried. Experts rated the tool very positively and recommended it for their daily work.