A rotor walk in a directed graph can be thought of as a deterministic version of a Markov Chain, where a pebble moves from vertex to vertex following a simple rule until a terminal vertex, or sink, is reached. The ARRIVAL problem, as defined by Dohrau and al., consists in determining which sink will be reached. While the walk itself can take an exponential number of steps, this problem belongs to the complexity class NP$\cap$co-NP without being known to be in P. Several variants have been studied where we add one or two players to the model, defining deterministic analogs of stochastic models (e.g., Markovian decision processes, Stochastic Games) with rotor-routing rules instead of random transitions. The corresponding decision problem address the existence of strategies for players that ensure some condition on the reached sink. These problems are known to be $NP$-complete for one player and $PSPACE$-complete for two players. In this work, we define a class of directed graphs, namely tree-like multigraphs, which are multigraphs having the global shape of an undirected tree. We prove that the different variants of the reachability problem with zero, one, or two players can be solved in linear time, while the number of steps of rotor walks can still be exponential. To achieve this, we define a notion of return flow, which counts the number of times the pebble will bounce back in subtrees of the graph.
翻译:方向图中的转子行进可以被看作 Markov 链条的确定性版本, 即从一个顶点到一个简单的规则的顶点, 到到达终点顶点或水槽。 Dohrau 和 Al. 定义的ARRIVAL 问题, 包括确定下沉点。 虽然行本身可以采取指数数级步骤, 这个问题属于复杂级 NP$\ cap$co- NP, 而不为 P 所不为人知。 已经研究了一些变量, 我们在此模型中添加了一两个玩家, 定义了确定性模型的确定性模拟( 例如, Markovian 决策程序, Stochastecistic 游戏), 以及转折规则而不是随机过渡 。 相应的决定性问题在于确定一个玩家的策略, 以确保到达水槽的某些条件。 这些问题对于一个玩家来说是 $NP$- ble, 而对于两个玩家来说是 $ PSPACE$- com- 。 在这项工作中, 我们定义了一组直方向图图图, 即树形的流流流流的确定一个滚流的类类模拟模拟模拟模拟模拟模拟模拟模拟模拟模拟模拟, 和直径的顺序, 其形状是多行的形状,,, 我们可以确定一个方向的路径的顺序的顺序的顺序的顺序的顺序的形状,, 的顺序的顺序的顺序的形状可以确定一个是, 。