Optimal control in robotics has been increasingly popular in recent years and has been applied in many applications involving complex dynamical systems. Closed-loop optimal control strategies include model predictive control (MPC) and time-varying linear controllers optimized through iLQR. However, such feedback controllers rely on the information of the current state, limiting the range of robotic applications where the robot needs to remember what it has done before to act and plan accordingly. The recently proposed system level synthesis (SLS) framework circumvents this limitation via a richer controller structure with memory. In this work, we propose to optimally design reactive anticipatory robot skills with memory by extending SLS to tracking problems involving nonlinear systems and nonquadratic cost functions. We showcase our method with two scenarios exploiting task precisions and object affordances in pick-and-place tasks in a simulated and a real environment with a 7-axis Franka Emika robot.
翻译:近些年来,机器人的优化控制越来越受欢迎,并已应用于涉及复杂的动态系统的许多应用中。闭环最佳控制战略包括模型预测控制(MPC)和通过 iLQR 优化的时序线性控制器。然而,这种反馈控制器依赖当前状态的信息,限制了机器人需要记住自己在操作和规划前所做的事情的机器人应用范围。最近提议的系统级合成框架(SLS)通过一个拥有记忆的较丰富的控制器结构绕过这一限制。在这项工作中,我们建议以记忆为主,优化设计反应性预测机器人技能,将SLS扩大到跟踪涉及非线性系统和非水下成本功能的问题。我们用两种情景展示我们的方法,在模拟和真实环境中,在7轴的Franka Emika机器人中,利用任务精度和对象承担任务。