We consider a nonlocal evolution equation representing the continuum limit of a large ensemble of interacting particles on graphs forced by noise. The two principle ingredients of the continuum model are a nonlocal term and Q-Wiener process describing the interactions among the particles in the network and stochastic forcing respectively. The network connectivity is given by a square integrable function called a graphon. We prove that the initial value problem for the continuum model is well-posed. Further, we construct a semidiscrete (discrete in space and continuous in time) and a fully discrete schemes for the nonlocal model. The former is obtained by a discontinuous Galerkin method and the latter is based on further discretizing time using the Euler-Maruyama method. We prove convergence and estimate the rate of convergence in each case. For the semidiscrete scheme, the rate of convergence estimate is expressed in terms of the regularity of the graphon, Q-Wiener process, and the initial data. We work in generalized Lipschitz spaces, which allows to treat models with data of lower regularity. This is important for applications as many interesting types of connectivity including small-world and power-law are expressed by graphons that are not smooth. The error analysis of the fully discrete scheme, on the other hand, reveals that for some models common in applied science, one has a higher speed of convergence than that predicted by the standard estimates for the Euler-Maruyama method. The rate of convergence analysis is supplemented with detailed numerical experiments, which are consistent with our analytical results. As a by-product, this work presents a rigorous justification for taking continuum limit for a large class of interacting dynamical systems on graphs subject to noise.
翻译:我们考虑的是非局部进化方程式,它代表了由噪音所迫使的图形中大量相互作用粒子组合的连续存限。 连续模式的两个原则要素是非本地术语和Q- Wiener 进程, 分别描述网络中的粒子和随机力的相互影响。 网络连通由一个平方的不可变的函数( 图形) 给出。 我们证明, 连续模式的初始值问题表现得非常清楚。 此外, 我们为非本地模型建立一个半分解( 空间分解和时间连续同步) 和完全独立的计划。 前者是非本地模型的不连续趋同方法, 后者是用不连续的 Galerkin 方法获得的, 后者是基于使用 Euler- Maruyama 方法进一步分解的时间。 我们证明, 网络连通性是由一个平方函数的初始值问题来表示的。 对于图形、 Q- Wiener 进程和初始数据, 我们在通用的利普西茨空间中的工作, 将模型用一个不甚清晰的直径直径的直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直的模型, 。