Quantum computers are believed to have the ability to process huge data sizes which can be seen in machine learning applications. In these applications, the data in general is classical. Therefore, to process them on a quantum computer, there is a need for efficient methods which can be used to map classical data on quantum states in a concise manner. On the other hand, to verify the results of quantum computers and study quantum algorithms, we need to be able to approximate quantum operations into forms that are easier to simulate on classical computers with some errors. Motivated by these needs, in this paper we study the approximation of matrices and vectors by using their tensor products obtained through successive Schmidt decompositions. We show that data with distributions such as uniform, Poisson, exponential, or similar to these distributions can be approximated by using only a few terms which can be easily mapped onto quantum circuits. The examples include random data with different distributions, the Gram matrices of iris flower, handwritten digits, 20newsgroup, and labeled faces in the wild. And similarly, some quantum operations such as quantum Fourier transform and variational quantum circuits with a small depth also may be approximated with a few terms that are easier to simulate on classical computers. Furthermore, we show how the method can be used to simplify quantum Hamiltonians: In particular, we show the application to randomly generated transverse field Ising model Hamiltonians. The reduced Hamiltonians can be mapped into quantum circuits easily and therefore can be simulated more efficiently.
翻译:量子计算机被认为有能力处理在机器学习应用中可以看到的巨大数据大小。 在这些应用中, 一般来说, 数据是古典的。 因此, 要在量子计算机上处理这些数据, 需要高效的方法, 可以用简洁的方式绘制量子状态的古典数据。 另一方面, 要核查量子计算机的结果和研究量子算法, 我们需要能够将量子操作的种类大致地归纳为在古典计算机上模拟出一些错误的更容易的形式。 基于这些需要, 我们通过使用通过相继的施密特分解配置获得的强力产品, 来研究矩阵和矢量器的近似。 因此, 我们通过使用统一、 普瓦森、 指数化或类似这些分布的数据, 需要以简洁的方式使用有效的方法来绘制量子状态的古典数据。 这些例子包括随机数据, 花的格拉姆矩阵, 手写的数字, 20 news群, 以及野生的标签面。 同样, 一些量子操作, 比如量子4级变和变质的产产品。 我们也可以用一个更简易的量子电路 来显示一个小的模型 。