Model quantization is a promising approach to compress deep neural networks and accelerate inference, making it possible to be deployed on mobile and edge devices. To retain the high performance of full-precision models, most existing quantization methods focus on fine-tuning quantized model by assuming training datasets are accessible. However, this assumption sometimes is not satisfied in real situations due to data privacy and security issues, thereby making these quantization methods not applicable. To achieve zero-short model quantization without accessing training data, a tiny number of quantization methods adopt either post-training quantization or batch normalization statistics-guided data generation for fine-tuning. However, both of them inevitably suffer from low performance, since the former is a little too empirical and lacks training support for ultra-low precision quantization, while the latter could not fully restore the peculiarities of original data and is often low efficient for diverse data generation. To address the above issues, we propose a zero-shot adversarial quantization (ZAQ) framework, facilitating effective discrepancy estimation and knowledge transfer from a full-precision model to its quantized model. This is achieved by a novel two-level discrepancy modeling to drive a generator to synthesize informative and diverse data examples to optimize the quantized model in an adversarial learning fashion. We conduct extensive experiments on three fundamental vision tasks, demonstrating the superiority of ZAQ over the strong zero-shot baselines and validating the effectiveness of its main components. Code is available at <>.
翻译:模型量化是压缩深神经网络和加速推断的一个很有希望的方法,使得有可能在移动和边缘设备上部署。为了保持全精度模型的高性能,大多数现有量化方法侧重于微调量化模型,假设培训数据集可以获得,但有时由于数据隐私和安全问题,这种假设在真实情况下并不令人满意,从而使这些量化方法无法适用。为了实现零光模型量化,而没有获得培训数据,少数量化方法采用培训后量化或批次标准化统计数据制导数据生成来进行微调。然而,为了保持全精度模型的高度性能,大多数现有的量化方法都不可避免地以低性能模型为重点,因为前者经验性过强,缺乏对超低精确度量化模型的培训支持,而后者无法完全恢复原始数据的特殊性,因此这些量化方法往往不具有低效率。为了解决上述问题,我们建议采用零光度的对等式量化(ZAQQ)框架, 便利从全面精度的正常化统计数据生成数据生成的分级标准或分批量制数据生成的标准化数据生成。我们通过两个新式的深度的模型,在深度模型上实现了对模型的模型的深度模型的升级到深度的模拟的模型,从而将数据演示到深度的模拟的模型的模拟的模拟的模型到深度的模拟到深度的模型。