We explore the use of knowledge distillation (KD) for learning compact and accurate models that enable classification of animal behavior from accelerometry data on wearable devices. To this end, we take a deep and complex convolutional neural network, known as residual neural network (ResNet), as the teacher model. ResNet is specifically designed for multivariate time-series classification. We use ResNet to distil the knowledge of animal behavior classification datasets into soft labels, which consist of the predicted pseudo-probabilities of every class for each datapoint. We then use the soft labels to train our significantly less complex student models, which are based on the gated recurrent unit (GRU) and multilayer perceptron (MLP). The evaluation results using two real-world animal behavior classification datasets show that the classification accuracy of the student GRU-MLP models improves appreciably through KD, approaching that of the teacher ResNet model. To further reduce the computational and memory requirements of performing inference using the student models trained via KD, we utilize dynamic fixed-point quantization through an appropriate modification of the computational graphs of the models. We implement both unquantized and quantized versions of the developed KD-based models on the embedded systems of our purpose-built collar and ear tag devices to classify animal behavior in situ and in real time. The results corroborate the effectiveness of KD and quantization in improving the inference performance in terms of both classification accuracy and computational and memory efficiency.
翻译:我们探索使用知识蒸馏法(KD)来学习精确和精确的模型,使动物行为从可磨损设备上的进化测量数据中分类。为此目的,我们采用一个深而复杂的进化神经网络,称为残余神经网络(ResNet),作为教师模型。ResNet专门设计用于多变时间序列分类。我们使用ResNet将动物行为分类数据集的知识分解成软标签,该标签包括每个数据点每一类的预测假概率。我们然后使用软标签来培训我们远不那么复杂的学生模型,这些模型以GRU和多层透视器(MLP)为基础。使用两个真实世界动物行为分类数据集的评估结果显示,学生GRU-MLP模型的分类准确性通过KD,接近教师ResNet模型的模型,从而大大改进了对每个数据点的计算和记忆要求。我们利用通过KD培训的学生模型培训的学生模型,在KD的高级常识中,用动态定点的内存精确度模型,并在K-Calalal-dealalalalalalalalalalalalal 量系统中,我们用Sal-deal-deal-deal-deal-deal-deal-dealdeal-dealticaldealizde)的计算系统,在正确计算了我们研判算系统,我们在Sal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-cal-al-al-al-al-al-al-al-sal-al-al-al-al-al-al-sal-al-al-al-al-al-al-运制制制制的计算系统上,我们制的计算系统上,我们在正确的计算系统上,我们在正确的计算系统上,我们在正确的计算系统上,我们在正确的计算系统上,在正确的计算方法中,我们在正确的计算方法中,我们在正确的计算中,我们在正确的计算方法的精确计算方法的计算结果的计算结果的精确计算方法中,在正确的计算方法中,在正确的计算方法的精确计算方法的