In this study, we explore how spatial configurations can be reflected in determining the threshold range of Relative Translation Gains (RTGs), a translation gain-based Redirected Walking (RDW) technique that scales the user's movement in Virtual Reality (VR) in different ratios for width and depth. While previous works have shown that various cognitive factors or individual differences influence the RDW threshold, constructive studies investigating the impact of the environmental composition on the RDW threshold with regard to the user's visual perception were lacking. Therefore, we examined the effect of spatial configurations on the RTG threshold by analyzing the participant's responses and gaze distribution data in two user studies. The first study concerned the size of the virtual room and the existence of objects within it, and the second study focused on the combined impact of room size and the spatial layout. Our results show that three compositions of spatial configuration (size, object existence, spatial layout) significantly affect the RTG threshold range. Based on our findings, we proposed virtual space rescaling guidelines to increase the range of adjustable movable space with RTGs for developers: placing distractors in the room, setting the perceived movable space to be larger than the adjusted movable space if it's an empty room, and avoid placing objects together as centered layout. Our findings can be used to adaptively rescale VR users' space according to the target virtual space's configuration with a unified coordinate system that enables the utilization of physical objects in a virtual scene.
翻译:在这项研究中,我们探讨了空间配置如何在确定相对翻译增益(RTGs)的起始值范围时反映空间配置。 相对翻译增益(RDW)是一种基于翻译增益的重定向调整漫步(RDW)技术,在宽度和深度方面以不同比例衡量虚拟现实(VR)中用户的移动情况。虽然以前的工作表明,各种认知因素或个人差异影响RDW阈值,但调查环境构成对RDW阈值对用户视觉感知的影响的建设性研究却缺乏。因此,我们研究了空间配置对RTG阈值的影响,在两项用户的虚拟研究中分析了参与者的反应和凝视分布数据。第一项研究涉及虚拟现实(VR)中用户的大小及其在宽度和深度方面的不同比例。虽然以前的工作表明,各种认知因素或个人差异对RDW阈值的阈值影响很大,但是根据我们的研究结果,我们提出了虚拟空间调整准则,以扩大可调整的可移动空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间空间范围的范围,让开发者将分散器放置在更安全的空间结构中,而将空间目标放在更安全的空间定位中心。