Recent well-known works demonstrate encouraging progress in aspect-based sentiment classification (ABSC), while implicit aspect sentiment modeling is still a problem that has to be solved. Our preliminary study shows that implicit aspect sentiments usually depend on adjacent aspects' sentiments, which indicates we can extract implicit sentiment via local sentiment dependency modeling. We formulate a local sentiment aggregation paradigm (LSA) based on empirical sentiment patterns (SP) to address sentiment dependency modeling. Compared to existing methods, LSA is an efficient approach that learns the implicit sentiments in a local sentiment aggregation window, which tackles the efficiency problem and avoids the token-node alignment problem of syntax-based methods. Furthermore, we refine a differential weighting method based on gradient descent that guides the construction of the sentiment aggregation window. According to experimental results, LSA is effective for all objective ABSC models, attaining state-of-the-art performance on three public datasets. LSA is an adaptive paradigm and is ready to be adapted to existing models, and we release the code to offer insight to improve existing ABSC models.