Unlike traditional static deep neural networks (DNNs), dynamic neural networks (NNs) adjust their structures or parameters to different inputs to guarantee accuracy and computational efficiency. Meanwhile, it has been an emerging research area in deep learning recently. Although traditional static DNNs are vulnerable to the membership inference attack (MIA) , which aims to infer whether a particular point was used to train the model, little is known about how such an attack performs on the dynamic NNs. In this paper, we propose a novel MI attack against dynamic NNs, leveraging the unique policy networks mechanism of dynamic NNs to increase the effectiveness of membership inference. We conducted extensive experiments using two dynamic NNs, i.e., GaterNet, BlockDrop, on four mainstream image classification tasks, i.e., CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, STL-10, and GTSRB. The evaluation results demonstrate that the control-flow information can significantly promote the MIA. Based on backbone-finetuning and information-fusion, our method achieves better results than baseline attack and traditional attack using intermediate information.