We propose a hybrid Finite Volume (FV) - Spectral Element Method (SEM) for modelling aeroacoustic phenomena based on the Lighthill's acoustic analogy. First the fluid solution is computed employing a FV method. Then, the sound source term is projected onto the acoustic grid and the inhomogeneous Lighthill's wave equation is solved employing the SEM. The novel projection method computes offline the intersections between the acoustic and the fluid grids in order to preserve the accuracy. The proposed intersection algorithm is shown to be robust, scalable and able to efficiently compute the geometric intersection of arbitrary polyhedral elements. We then analyse the properties of the projection error, showing that if the fluid grid is fine enough we are able to exploit the accuracy of the acoustic solver and we numerically assess the obtained theoretical estimates. Finally, we address two relevant aeroacoustic benchmarks, namely the corotating vortex pair and the noise induced by a laminar flow around a squared cylinder, to demonstrate in practice the effectiveness of the projection method when dealing with high order solvers. The flow computations are performed with OpenFOAM [46], an open-source finite volume library, while the inhomogeneous Lighthill's wave equation is solved with SPEED [31], an opensource spectral element library.
翻译:我们提出了一种基于Lighthill声学类比的气动声学现象建模的混合有限体积(FV)-谱元方法(SEM)。首先,利用FV方法计算流体解。然后,将声源项投影到声学网格上,采用SEM求解非齐次的Lighthill波动方程。新的投影方法离线计算声学和流体网格之间的交点,以保持精度。所提出的交点算法表现出稳健、可扩展且能够有效地计算任意多面体元素的几何交点。然后,我们分析了投影误差的特性,显示如果流体网格足够细,我们能够利用声学求解器的精度,并对所获得的理论估计进行了数值评估。最后,我们对两个相关的气动声学基准进行了研究,即对转动涡对和围绕正方形圆柱体的层流流动引起的噪声进行计算,以展示投影方法在处理高阶求解器时的有效性。流动计算采用一个开源的有限体积库OpenFOAM [46],而非齐次的Lighthill波动方程则使用一个开源的谱元库SPEED [31]来求解。