We investigate the asymptotic relation between the inverse problems relying on the Helmholtz equation and the radiative transfer equation (RTE) as physical models, in the high-frequency limit. In particular, we evaluate the asymptotic convergence of a generalized version of inverse scattering problem based on the Helmholtz equation, to the inverse scattering problem of the Liouville equation (a simplified version of RTE). The two inverse problems are connected through the Wigner transform that translates the wave-type description on the physical space to the kinetic-type description on the phase space, and the Husimi transform that models data localized both in location and direction. The finding suggests that impinging tightly concentrated monochromatic beams can indeed provide stable reconstruction of the medium, asymptotically in the high-frequency regime. This fact stands in contrast with the unstable reconstruction for the classical inverse scattering problem when the probing signals are plane-waves.