This paper proposes a new RWO-Sampling (Random Walk Over-Sampling) based on graphs for imbalanced datasets. In this method, two schemes based on under-sampling and over-sampling methods are introduced to keep the proximity information robust to noises and outliers. After constructing the first graph on minority class, RWO-Sampling will be implemented on selected samples, and the rest will remain unchanged. The second graph is constructed for the majority class, and the samples in a low-density area (outliers) are removed. Finally, in the proposed method, samples of the majority class in a high-density area are selected, and the rest are eliminated. Furthermore, utilizing RWO-sampling, the boundary of minority class is increased though the outliers are not raised. This method is tested, and the number of evaluation measures is compared to previous methods on nine continuous attribute datasets with different over-sampling rates and one data set for the diagnosis of COVID-19 disease. The experimental results indicated the high efficiency and flexibility of the proposed method for the classification of imbalanced data
翻译:本文根据不平衡数据集的图表提出新的RWO抽样(Random 步行过量抽样)建议。在这个方法中,采用了两种基于抽样不足和抽样过多的方法,使近距离信息对噪音和外缘保持稳健。在构建关于少数类的第一个图表后,RWO抽样将在选定的样本中实施,其余的将保持不变。第二个图表是为多数类构建的,在低密度地区(外围地区)的样本被删除。最后,在拟议方法中,选定了高密度地区多数类的样本,并消除了其余的样本。此外,利用RWO抽样,少数类的界限将增加,尽管没有提高外部界限。这一方法经过测试,评估措施的数量将与先前采用的9个连续属性数据集(具有不同过度抽样率的数据集和用于诊断COVID-19疾病的数据集)的方法进行比较。实验结果表明,拟议的数据不平衡分类方法的效率和灵活性很高。