In this paper, we introduce a set-theoretic approach for mobile robot localization with infrastructure-based sensing. The proposed method computes sets that over-bound the robot body and orientation under an assumption of known noise bounds on the sensor and robot motion model. We establish theoretical properties and computational approaches for this set-theoretic localization approach and illustrate its application to an automated valet parking example in simulations and to omnidirectional robot localization problems in real-world experiments. We demonstrate that the set-theoretic localization method can perform robustly against uncertainty set initialization and sensor noises compared to the FastSLAM.
翻译:在本文中,我们引入了使用基于基础设施的感测的移动机器人定位的设定理论方法。 拟议的方法计算方法在传感器和机器人运动模型的已知噪声界限的假设下,将机器人身体和方向设定为超导。 我们为这种设定理论定位方法确立了理论属性和计算方法,并演示了其在模拟中自动停车代用品和现实世界实验中全向机器人定位问题中的应用。 我们证明,与快速SLAM相比,设定理论本地化方法可以对设定的不确定性初始化和传感器噪声发挥强大的作用。