In today's life, more and more people tend to opt for a smart house. In this way, the idea of including technology has become popular worldwide. Despite this concept's many benefits, managing security remains an essential problem due to the shared activities. The Internet of Things system behind a smart house is based on several sensors to measure temperature, humidity, air quality, and movement. Because of being supervised every day through sensors and controlling their house only with a simple click, many people can be afraid of this new approach in terms of their privacy, and this fact can constrain them from following their habits. The security aspects should be constantly analyzed to keep the data's confidentiality and make people feel safe in their own houses. In this context, the current paper puts light on an alternative design of a platform in which the safety of homeowners is the primary purpose, and they maintain complete control over the data generated by smart devices. The current research highlights the role of security and interface design in controlling a smart house. The study underscores the importance of providing an interface that can be used easily by any person to manage data and live activities in a modern residence in an era dominated by continuously developing technology.