Semantic parsing is a means of taking natural language and putting it in a form that a computer can understand. There has been a multitude of approaches that take natural language utterances and form them into lambda calculus expressions -- mathematical functions to describe logic. Here, we experiment with a sequence to sequence model to take natural language utterances, convert those to lambda calculus expressions, when can then be parsed, and place them in an XML format that can be used by a finite state machine. Experimental results show that we can have a high accuracy model such that we can bridge the gap between technical and nontechnical individuals in the robotics field.
翻译:语义解析是一种使用自然语言的手段, 并把它以计算机能够理解的形式呈现出来。 有很多方法 使用自然语言的表达方式, 并将它们形成 ambada 微积分表达方式 -- 数学函数来描述逻辑。 在这里, 我们实验了一种序列序列 来排列自然语言的表达方式, 将这些表达方式转换成 ambda 微积分, 当可以进行解析时, 并将它们置于一种可被有限状态机器使用的 XML 格式中。 实验结果显示, 我们可以有一个非常精确的模型, 从而我们可以弥合机器人领域技术和非技术人员之间的差距 。