This work presents an effective depth-consistency self-prompt Transformer for image dehazing. It is motivated by an observation that the estimated depths of an image with haze residuals and its clear counterpart vary. Enforcing the depth consistency of dehazed images with clear ones, therefore, is essential for dehazing. For this purpose, we develop a prompt based on the features of depth differences between the hazy input images and corresponding clear counterparts that can guide dehazing models for better restoration. Specifically, we first apply deep features extracted from the input images to the depth difference features for generating the prompt that contains the haze residual information in the input. Then we propose a prompt embedding module that is designed to perceive the haze residuals, by linearly adding the prompt to the deep features. Further, we develop an effective prompt attention module to pay more attention to haze residuals for better removal. By incorporating the prompt, prompt embedding, and prompt attention into an encoder-decoder network based on VQGAN, we can achieve better perception quality. As the depths of clear images are not available at inference, and the dehazed images with one-time feed-forward execution may still contain a portion of haze residuals, we propose a new continuous self-prompt inference that can iteratively correct the dehazing model towards better haze-free image generation. Extensive experiments show that our method performs favorably against the state-of-the-art approaches on both synthetic and real-world datasets in terms of perception metrics including NIQE, PI, and PIQE.
翻译:这项工作展示了一种有效的深度一致性自我促进变异器,用于图像脱色。 其动机是观测到用烟雾残留物及其清晰对应物生成的图像的估计深度各不相同。 因此,为了让脱色图像与清晰的图像保持深度一致性,我们有必要进行脱色。 为此,我们开发了一个快速化的模型, 其特征是, 模糊的输入图像和相应的清晰对等图像之间存在深度差异, 可以引导脱色模型更好地恢复。 具体地说, 我们首先将从输入图像中提取的深度特征应用到深度差异特征上, 以生成含有输入中的烟雾残余信息的提示。 然后, 我们提出一个快速嵌入模块, 设计用来感知淡化烟雾残留物的深度, 线性地添加清晰的亮度。 此外, 我们开发了一个有效的即时关注模型, 更多地关注烟雾残留物残留物的深度差异, 将快速嵌入到基于 VQAN 状态的解密器解密器网络中, 我们就能实现更好的感知度质量。 由于清晰的图像的深度, 在运行过程中无法看到, 内部的深度, 运行中可以显示不断的自我修正的图像。</s>