A selfmate is a Chess problem in which White, moving first, needs to force Black to checkmate within a specified number of moves. The reflexmate is a derivative of the selfmate in which White compels Black to checkmate with the added condition that if either player can checkmate, they must do that (when this condition applies only to Black, it is a semi-reflexmate). We slightly modify the reduction of EXPTIME-hardness of Chess and apply the reduction to these Chess problems. It is proved that selfmate, reflexmate, and semi-reflexmate are all EXPTIME-complete.
翻译:自我伴侣是一个象棋问题, 其中白种人首先移动, 需要强迫黑种人在一定数量的动作中进行检查。 反动伴侣是自我伴侣的一种衍生物, 其中白种人强迫黑种人进行检查, 附加条件是,如果任何一个玩家都能够进行检查, 他们必须这样做( 当这个条件只适用于黑人时, 它是一个半反动的)。 我们略微修改了 EXPTIME 象棋的硬性, 并对这些象棋问题应用了减缩。 事实证明, 自生、 反动和半反动的都已经完全完成 EXPTIME 了 。