项目名称: 注塑模CAE软件Z-MOLD的集成化研究
项目编号: No.10872186
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 刘春太
作者单位: 郑州大学
项目金额: 35万元
中文摘要: 注塑成型作为一种净成型技术,在汽车、通讯等支柱产业,以及军工、航空航天等国家战略领域起到越来越重要的作用,是我国制造业的关键组成部分。成型过程不仅涉及到非牛顿流体流动和传热过程,而且涉及到残余应力、翘曲变形、各向异性力学性能、复合材料性能等其它典型的力学问题。通过对成型过程数值模拟,研究加工条件的变化规律,预测制品的结构与性能,是当今聚合物加工研究领域的一个前沿课题。本项目将在自主研发的注塑模CAE软件Z-MOLD基础上,进一步加强基础性和的集成化研究,重点开展:基于特征和网格划分的商用CAD技术与CAE软件的无缝拼接技术;成型模拟-微观结构演化-残余应力-翘曲变形的集成分析,以提高预测结果的准确性和精度;纤维增强注塑成型取向分布分析,以预测复杂流场下流动诱导纤维取向分布和材料各向异性行为;成型模拟与模具优化设计、工艺条件优化的集成,以实现模具设计和工艺条件的自动优化等。目标是提高我们对注塑成型从宏观-微观、定性-定量的科学认识。开发一套具有自主版权的、具有原创技术的集成化注塑模CAE软件,系统在稳定性、可靠性,用户友好性等方面具有国际领先水平,并在企业中进行推广应用。
中文关键词: 注塑成型;CAD/CAE集成;残余应力;翘曲;纤维取向
英文摘要: Plastics Injection molding, as a net shaping and mass-producing technology, plays important roles in many industrial areas and some national strategies such as automobile, communication, war industry, aeronautics and space etc. and it is also a critical constituent of Chinese manufacturing industry. Polymer processing is not only a non-isothermal, transient flow of non-Newtonian fluids in complex geometries, the performances of final part such as the residual stress, shrinkage and warpage, anisotropy, fiber orientation etc. are also mainly determined by this processing. Computer simulation of polymer processing, as a tool, can predict detail variations of processing conditions and the final structure and performance of parts. Use of such CAE tools has become common place today in polymer industry. Based on independent research and development CAE software Z-MOLD, this project will pay more attention to foundamental and integrated aspects of CAE for injection molding. It involves: mesh-based CAD-CAE model integration,simulation-based integrated analysis on evolution of microstructure, residual stress and warpage, prediction of fiber orientation of fiber-reinforced injection molding, the integration of simulation-optimal design of mold-part quality control. This study will intensify the understanding of polymer processing, from macro to micro, qualitative to quantitative, static to dynamic. The overall objective of this project is to develop scientific base CAE software, to improve simulation accuracy and efficiency, and to promote its use in polymer industry.
英文关键词: injection molding;CAD/CAE; residual stress; warpage; fiber orientation