The role of an expert in the decision-making process is crucial, as the final recommendation depends on his disposition, clarity of mind, experience, and knowledge of the problem. However, the recommendation also depends on their honesty. But what if the expert is dishonest? Then, the answer on how difficult it is to manipulate in a given case becomes essential. In the presented work, we consider manipulation of a ranking obtained by comparing alternatives in pairs. More specifically, we propose an algorithm for finding an almost optimal way to swap the positions of two selected alternatives. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine how difficult such manipulation is in a given case. Theoretical considerations are illustrated by a practical example.
翻译:在决策过程中,专家的作用至关重要,因为最终的建议取决于他们的心态、头脑清晰度、经验和对问题的了解程度。但建议也取决于他们的诚实。但是如果专家不诚实呢?那么,确定在给定情况下操纵的难度就变得非常重要了。在本文中,我们考虑通过比较成对选择方案获得的排名来进行操作。 更具体地说,我们提出了一种算法,用于找到交换两个选择方案位置的近乎最佳方法。这样,就可以确定在给定情况下操纵的难度有多大。理论考虑以实际案例为例进行说明。