In this work we study the orbit recovery problem, which is a natural abstraction for the problem of recovering a planted signal from noisy measurements under unknown group actions. Many important inverse problems in statistics, engineering and the sciences fit into this framework. Prior work has studied cases when the group is discrete and/or abelian. However fundamentally new techniques are needed in order to handle more complex group actions. Our main result is a quasi-polynomial time algorithm to solve orbit recovery over $SO(3)$ - i.e. the cryo-electron tomography problem which asks to recover the three-dimensional structure of a molecule from noisy measurements of randomly rotated copies of it. We analyze a variant of the frequency marching heuristic in the framework of smoothed analysis. Our approach exploits the layered structure of the invariant polynomials, and simultaneously yields a new class of tensor decomposition algorithms that work in settings when the tensor is not low-rank but rather where the factors are algebraically related to each other by a group action.