We report quadruple configuration interaction calculations within the extended Pariser$-$Parr$-$Pople Hamiltonian on the excited states of aggregates of polyenes, crystalline acenes, and covalently linked dimers of acene molecules. We determine the precise energy orderings and analyze the cluster wave functions in order to arrive at a comprehensive physical understanding of singlet fission in these diverse families of materials. Our computational approach allows us to retain a very large number of basis states and thereby obtain the correct relative energy orderings of one electron$-$one hole Frenkel and charge-transfer excitons versus intra- and intermolecular two electron$-$two hole triplet$-$triplet excited states. We show that from the energy orderings it is possible to understand the occurrence of singlet fission in polyene and acene crystals, as well as its near total absence in the covalently linked acene dimers. As in the acene crystals, singlet fission in the polyenes is a multichromophoric phenomenon, with the well-known 2$^1$A$_g^-$ playing no direct role. Intermolecular charge-transfer is essential for singlet fission in both acenes and polyenes, but because of subtle differences in the natures and orderings of the aggregate excited states, the mechanisms of singlet fission are slightly different in the two classes. We are thus able to give qualitative physical reasoning for the slower singlet fission in the polyenes, relative to that in crystalline pentacene. Our work also gives new insight into the complex exciton dynamics in tetracene crystals, which has been difficult to understand theoretically. Our large-scale many-body calculations provide us with the ability to understand the qualitative differences in the singlet fission yields and rates between different classes of $\pi$-conjugated materials.
翻译:我们报告在扩大的Pariser $-Parr $-$美元的Parruple Hamiltonian 中,四倍配置互动计算是在聚乙烯、晶状动脉和共价连接的丙烯分子的聚合物的兴奋状态下进行的。 我们确定精确的能量定序和分析聚状波函数,以便对这些不同材料组别中的单体裂变有一个全面的物理理解。 我们的计算方法使我们得以保留大量的基础状态,从而获得一个电子元一美元洞Frenkel和充电转移的振动器的正确相对能量定值。 相对于内部和期内分子的2美元2个电子元2个洞3美元3美元3美元,我们从能量定序中可以理解在聚乙烯和醋晶体晶体中发生的单体裂变,以及它几乎完全没有在相联的硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体。 我们的硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体的硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体硬体能能能能能能能能能能能能能能能能能能能 。