This paper proposes a hybrid optimization and learning method for impact-friendly catching objects at non-zero velocity. Through a constrained Quadratic Programming problem, the method generates optimal trajectories up to the contact point between the robot and the object to minimize their relative velocity and reduce the initial impact forces. Next, the generated trajectories are updated by Kernelized Movement Primitives which are based on human catching demonstrations to ensure a smooth transition around the catching point. In addition, the learned human variable stiffness (HVS) is sent to the robot's Cartesian impedance controller to absorb the post-impact forces and stabilize the catching position. Three experiments are conducted to compare our method with and without HVS against a fixed-position impedance controller (FP-IC). The results showed that the proposed methods outperform the FP-IC, while adding HVS yields better results for absorbing the post-impact forces.
翻译:本文建议采用混合优化和学习方法, 用于在非零速度下进行撞击友好型捕获物体。 通过受限的二次曲线编程问题, 该方法产生最佳轨迹, 直至机器人与该物体之间的接触点, 以尽量减少相对速度并减少初始撞击力。 其次, 由内核化运动的初始轨迹进行更新, 该轨迹以人类捕捉示范为基础, 以确保在捕捉点周围的平稳过渡。 此外, 所学到的人类变异性硬度( HVS) 被送至机器人的笛轮控制器, 以吸收后撞击力并稳定捕捉位置。 进行了三次实验, 将我们的方法与HVS和固定位置阻力( FP-IC-IC)相比较。 结果表明, 提议的方法比FP-IC 相容, 同时加上 HVS 将产生更好的结果, 以吸收后撞击力 。