The complement $\overline{x}$ of a binary word $x$ is obtained by changing each $0$ in $x$ to $1$ and vice versa. We study infinite binary words $\bf w$ that avoid sufficiently large complementary factors; that is, if $x$ is a factor of $\bf w$ then $\overline{x}$ is not a factor of $\bf w$. In particular, we classify such words according to their critical exponents.
翻译:二元x美元的补充值 $\ overline{x}$x美元是用每美元以x美元兑换1美元获得的,反之亦然。我们研究无限的二元字 $\ b f w 美元,以避免足够大的互补因素;也就是说,如果x美元是美元/ bf 美元的因数,那么$/ overline{x} 美元不是美元/ bf 美元的因数。特别是,我们根据关键指数对此类字进行分类。</s>