Logic-based approaches to AI have the advantage that their behaviour can in principle be explained by providing their users with proofs for the derived consequences. However, if such proofs get very large, then it may be hard to understand a consequence even if the individual derivation steps are easy to comprehend. This motivates our interest in finding small proofs for Description Logic (DL) entailments. Instead of concentrating on a specific DL and proof calculus for this DL, we introduce a general framework in which proofs are represented as labeled, directed hypergraphs, where each hyperedge corresponds to a single sound derivation step. On the theoretical side, we investigate the complexity of deciding whether a certain consequence has a proof of size at most $n$ along the following orthogonal dimensions: (i)~the underlying proof system is polynomial or exponential; (ii)~proofs may or may not reuse already derived consequences; and (iii)~the number $n$ is represented in unary or binary. We have determined the exact worst-case complexity of this decision problem for all but one of the possible combinations of these options. On the practical side, we have developed and implemented an approach for generating proofs for expressive DLs based on a non-standard reasoning task called forgetting. We have evaluated this approach on a set of realistic ontologies and compared the obtained proofs with proofs generated by the DL reasoner ELK, finding that forgetting-based proofs are often better w.r.t. different measures of proof complexity.
翻译:以逻辑为基础的大赦国际方法的优点是,他们的行为原则上可以通过向用户提供衍生后果的证明来解释其行为。然而,如果这类证明非常庞大,那么即使个别衍生步骤容易理解,也可能很难理解后果。这促使我们有兴趣找到描述逻辑(DL)的细小证明。我们没有集中关注特定DL和证据计算结果,而是引入一个总框架,在其中,证据被标为标签的、指示的超文本图,每个高端都对应一个单一的音效衍生步骤。在理论方面,我们调查确定某一结果是否在以下或远方大小上证明最多为$的复杂程度: (一) 基本证据系统是多元或指数性的; (二) 证据可能或可能不会再利用已经产生的结果; (三) 美元数字以不现实或二进制为代表。 我们已经确定了这个决定问题的准确最复杂程度,但每个高端都与单一的导出步骤相匹配。 在理论方面,我们往往要调查某个结果是否在以下或远方具有最大规模的证据组合。