Today's typical application of geometric morphometrics to a quantitative comparison of organismal anatomies begins by standardizing samples of homologously labelled point configurations for location, orientation, and scale, and then renders the ensuing comparisons graphically by thin-plate spline as applied to group averages, principal components, regression predictions, or canonical variates. The scale-standardization step has recently come under criticism as inappropriate, at least for growth studies. This essay argues for a similar rethinking of the centering and rotation, and then the replacement of the thin-plate spline interpolant of the resulting configurations by a different strategy that leaves unexplained residuals at every landmark individually in order to simplify the interpretation of the displayed grid as a whole, the "transformation grid" that has been highlighted as the true underlying topic ever since D'Arcy Thompson's exposition of 1917. For analyses of comparisons involving gradients at large geometric scale, this paper argues for replacement of all the Procrustes conventions by a version of my two-point registration of 1986 (originally Francis Galton's of 1907). The choice of the two points interacts with another non-Procrustes concern, interpretability of the grid lines of a coordinate system deformed according to a fitted polynomial trend rather than an interpolating thin-plate spline. The paper works two examples using previously published cranial data; there result new findings pertinent to the interpretation of both of these classic data sets. A concluding discussion suggests that the current toolkit of geometric morphometrics, centered on Procrustes shape coordinates and thin-plate splines, is too restricted to suit many of the interpretive purposes of evolutionary and developmental biology.
翻译:今天对生物解剖进行定量比较时典型地应用几何光度测深法来对生物解剖进行定量比较,首先将同一标签的点配置样本标准化,用于位置、方向和规模,然后用光板样板样板图化地化地化比较,然后将随后的“变形电网”用于群平均值、主要构件、回归预测或罐形变异。最近,规模标准化步骤因不适当而受到批评,至少对于增长研究来说是如此。本文主张对核心和旋转进行类似的重新思考,然后用不同的战略取代由此产生的配置的薄板样样板间间线,使每个标志性标点之间都留下无法解释的残余,以便简化对显示的网格整体解释,“变形电网”,自1917年D'ArcyThompson的演化以来,它一直被强调为真正的基本主题。关于大度度梯度比较的分析,至少对大度的梯度的分析,本文主张用1986年两点结果的登记版本来取代普罗里斯特罗里察公约(Prental Gal) 的当前讨论,使每个路路面的残缺点的残质标的残值的残值的残值的残值的残值在每一个结构上解释。