Software with natural-language user interfaces has an ever-increasing importance. However, the quality of the included Question Answering (QA) functionality is still not sufficient regarding the number of questions that are answered correctly. In our work, we address the research problem of how the QA quality of a given system can be improved just by evaluating the natural-language input (i.e., the user's question) and output (i.e., the system's answer). Our main contribution is an approach capable of identifying wrong answers provided by a QA system. Hence, filtering incorrect answers from a list of answer candidates is leading to a highly improved QA quality. In particular, our approach has shown its potential while removing in many cases the majority of incorrect answers, which increases the QA quality significantly in comparison to the non-filtered output of a system.
翻译:使用自然语言用户界面的软件越来越重要。 但是,包含问答功能的质量对于正确回答的问题数量来说仍然不够。 在我们的工作中,我们解决了研究问题,即如何通过评价自然语言输入(即用户的问题)和输出(即系统的答复)来改进特定系统的质量。我们的主要贡献是能够找出QA系统提供的错误答案。因此,从答题候选人名单中过滤错误回答导致QA质量的大幅提高。特别是,我们的方法显示了它的潜力,同时在许多情况下消除了大部分错误回答,这些错误回答与系统未过滤的输出相比极大地提高了质量。