We study an anisotropic modified Crouzeix--Raviart finite element method to the rotational form of the stationary incompressible Navier--Stokes equation with large irrotational body forces. We present an anisotropic $H^1$ error estimate for the velocity of a modified Crouzeix--Raviart finite element method for the Navier--Stokes equation. The modified Crouzeix--Raviart finite element scheme was obtained using a lifting operator that maps the velocity test functions to $H(\div;\Omega)$-conforming finite element spaces. Because no shape-regularity mesh conditions are imposed, anisotropic meshes can be used for analysis. The core idea of the proof involves using the relation between the Raviart--Thomas and Crouzeix--Raviart finite element spaces. Furthermore, we present a discrete Sobolev inequality under a semi-regular mesh condition to estimate the stability of the proposed method and confirm the obtained results through numerical experiments.
翻译:本文研究了一种应用于可旋转大型无旋力体质力场的稳定不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程的各向异性修改的Crouzeix-Raviart有限元方法。我们提出了一个各向异性的$H^1$误差估计方法以评估Raviart-Thomas和Crouzeix-Raviart有限元方法空间之间的关系。修改的Crouzeix-Raviart有限元方案使用提升算子将速度测试函数映射到$H(\div;\Omega)$- 协调的有限元空间。由于不需要形状规则网格条件,因此可使用各向异性网格进行分析。证明的核心思想在于使用Raviart-Thomas和Crouzeix-Raviart有限元空间之间的关系。此外,我们基于半规则网格条件提出了离散Sobolev不等式,以评估所提方法的稳定性,并通过数值实验确证所得结果。