Sequential recommenders are crucial to the success of online applications, \eg e-commerce, video streaming, and social media. While model architectures continue to improve, for every new application domain, we still have to train a new model from scratch for high quality recommendations. On the other hand, pre-trained language and vision models have shown great success in zero-shot or few-shot adaptation to new application domains. Inspired by the success of pre-trained models in peer AI fields, we propose a novel pre-trained sequential recommendation framework: PrepRec. We learn universal item representations by modeling item popularity dynamics. Through extensive experiments on five real-world datasets, we show that PrepRec, without any auxiliary information, can not only zero-shot transfer to a new domain, but achieve competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art sequential recommender models with only a fraction of the model size. In addition, with a simple post-hoc interpolation, PrepRec can improve the performance of existing sequential recommenders on average by 13.8\% in Recall@10 and 29.5% in NDCG@10. We provide an anonymized implementation of PrepRec at