Fairness-aware recommender systems that have a provider-side fairness concern seek to ensure that protected group(s) of providers have a fair opportunity to promote their items or products. There is a ``cost of fairness'' borne by the consumer side of the interaction when such a solution is implemented. This consumer-side cost raises its own questions of fairness, particularly when personalization is used to control the impact of the fairness constraint. In adopting a personalized approach to the fairness objective, researchers may be opening their systems up to strategic behavior on the part of users. This type of incentive has been studied in the computational social choice literature under the terminology of ``bossiness''. The concern is that a bossy user may be able to shift the cost of fairness to others, improving their own outcomes and worsening those for others. This position paper introduces the concept of bossiness, shows its application in fairness-aware recommendation and discusses strategies for reducing this strategic incentive.
翻译:以公平为己任的公平建议制度,以提供方公平为关注点,力求确保供应商的受保护群体有公平机会推销其物品或产品。当这种解决办法得到实施时,消费者一方承担着“公平成本 ” 。这种消费方成本提出了自己的公平问题,特别是当个人化被用来控制公平制约的影响时。在对公平目标采取个性化办法时,研究人员可能会将其系统向用户开放,使其具有战略行为能力。这种奖励办法已经在计算社会选择文献中根据“博斯尼”的术语进行了研究。担心的是,专横的用户可能能够将公平成本转嫁给他人,改善自身结果,使其他人的公平成本恶化。这份立场文件介绍了专横概念,在公平意识建议中展示其应用情况,并讨论了减少这种战略激励的战略。