This paper focuses on error-correcting codes that can handle a predefined set of specific error patterns. The need for such codes arises in many settings of practical interest, including wireless communication and flash memory systems. In many such settings, a smaller field size is achievable than that offered by MDS and other standard codes. We establish a connection between the minimum alphabet size for this generalized setting and the combinatorial properties of a hypergraph that represents the prespecified collection of error patterns. We also show a connection between error and erasure correcting codes in this specialized setting. This allows us to establish bounds on the minimum alphabet size and show an advantage of non-linear codes over linear codes in a generalized setting. We also consider a variation of the problem which allows a small probability of decoding error and relate it to an approximate version of hypergraph coloring.
翻译:本文侧重于能够处理一套预先定义的具体错误模式的错误校正代码。 在许多实际感兴趣的环境中, 包括无线通信和闪存系统, 都需要这样的代码。 在许多这样的环境中, 野外大小可以比 MDS 和其他标准代码提供的要小。 我们在这个通用设置的最小字母大小与代表预先指定的错误模式收集的高级图的组合属性之间建立了联系。 我们还在这个专门设置中显示了错误和删除校正代码之间的联系。 这使我们能够在最小字母大小上设定界限, 并显示非线性代码在通用设置的线性代码上所具有的优势。 我们还考虑到问题的变异性, 这使得解码错误的可能性很小, 并把它与大约版本的高光谱颜色联系起来 。
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