We describe the solution of team ISMLL for the ECML-PKDD 2016 Discovery Challenge on Bank Card Usage for both tasks. Our solution is based on three pillars. Gradient boosted decision trees as a strong regression and classification model, an intensive search for good hyperparameter configurations and strong features that exploit geolocation information. This approach achieved the best performance on the public leaderboard for the first task and a decent fourth position for the second task.
翻译:我们描述ECML-PKDD 2016 银行卡使用发现挑战国际SMLL 团队的解决方案。 我们的解决方案基于三个支柱。 渐进式推进决策树是一个强大的回归和分类模型,对利用地理定位信息的优良超参数配置和强功能进行密集搜索。 这种方法在首项任务的公共领导板上取得了最佳表现,第二项任务获得了体面的第四位。