In this Near Intermediate-Scale Quantum era, there are two types of near-term quantum devices available on cloud: superconducting quantum processing units (QPUs) based on the discrete variable model and linear optics (photonics) QPUs based on the continuous variable (CV) model. Quantum computation in the discrete variable model is performed in a finite dimensional quantum state space and the CV model in an infinite dimensional space. In implementing quantum algorithms, the CV model offers more quantum gates that are not available in the discrete variable model. CV-based photonic quantum computers provide additional flexibility of controlling the length of the output vectors of quantum circuits, using different methods of measurement and the notion of cutoff dimension.
翻译:在这个中度量子时代,云层上可使用两种类型的近期量子装置:基于离散变量模型的超导量子处理器(QPUs)和基于连续变量模型的线性光学(potonics) QPUs。离散变量模型中的量子计算在一个有限的维量状态空间中进行,而CV模型则在一个无限的维空间中进行。在实施量子算法时,CV模型提供了离散变量模型所不具备的更多量子门。基于CV光子量子计算机利用不同的测量方法和截断面维度概念,为控制量子电路输出矢的长度提供了额外的灵活性。