In image-to-image translation the goal is to learn a mapping from one image domain to another. In the case of supervised approaches the mapping is learned from paired samples. However, collecting large sets of image pairs is often either prohibitively expensive or not possible. As a result, in recent years more attention has been given to techniques that learn the mapping from unpaired sets. In our work, we show that injecting implicit pairs into unpaired sets strengthens the mapping between the two domains, improves the compatibility of their distributions, and leads to performance boosting of unsupervised techniques by over 14% across several measurements. The competence of the implicit pairs is further displayed with the use of pseudo-pairs, i.e., paired samples which only approximate a real pair. We demonstrate the effect of the approximated implicit samples on image-to-image translation problems, where such pseudo-pairs may be synthesized in one direction, but not in the other. We further show that pseudo-pairs are significantly more effective as implicit pairs in an unpaired setting, than directly using them explicitly in a paired setting.
翻译:在图像到图像翻译中,目标是从一个图像域到另一个图像域学习绘图。 在监督方法中,通过配对样本来学习绘图。 但是,收集大套图像配对往往费用高得令人望而生畏,或者不可能。 因此,近年来,人们更加关注从未受重视的数据集中学习绘图的技术。 在我们的工作中,我们显示将隐含的对子注入未受重视的组合会加强两个域之间的绘图,改善分布的兼容性,并导致通过多项测量提高14 %以上未受监督技术的性能。 隐含的对子的能力通过使用假纸样本进一步显现出来, 也就是说, 配对样本只接近一对真配对。 我们展示了近似隐含的样本对图像到图像翻译问题的影响, 这些伪纸质可以朝一个方向合成, 而不是从另一个方向合成。 我们进一步显示, 假纸质纸质在未受监督的环境下作为隐含对子的效果要大得多, 比在配对子环境中直接使用。