Given the prevalence of missing data in modern statistical research, a broad range of methods is available for any given imputation task. How does one choose the `best' imputation method in a given application? The standard approach is to select some observations, set their status to missing, and compare prediction accuracy of the methods under consideration of these observations. Besides having to somewhat artificially mask observations, a shortcoming of this approach is that imputations based on the conditional mean will rank highest if predictive accuracy is measured with quadratic loss. In contrast, we want to rank highest an imputation that can sample from the true conditional distributions. In this paper, we develop a framework called ``Imputation Scores'' (I-Scores) for assessing missing value imputations. We provide a specific I-Score based on density ratios and projections, that is applicable to discrete and continuous data. It does not require to mask additional observations for evaluations and is also applicable if there are no complete observations. The population version is shown to be proper in the sense that the highest rank is assigned to an imputation method that samples from the correct conditional distribution. The propriety is shown under the \emph{missing completely at random} (MCAR) assumption but is also shown to be valid under \emph{missing at random} (MAR) with slightly more restrictive assumptions. We show empirically on a range of data sets and imputation methods that our score consistently ranks true data high(est) and is able to avoid pitfalls usually associated with performance measures such as RMSE. Finally, we provide the R-package \texttt{Iscores} available on CRAN with an implementation of our method.
翻译:鉴于现代统计研究中缺少数据的普遍性,对于任何特定的估算任务,都有广泛的方法。在特定应用中,人们如何选择“最佳”估算方法?标准方法是选择某些观察,将其状态设定为缺失,比较审议这些观察的方法的预测准确性。除了需要某种人为地掩盖观察外,基于有条件平均值的估算如果用四分位损失来衡量预测准确度,其排名最高。相比之下,我们希望将能够从真实的有条件分布中抽样的估算值排在最高的位置。在本文件中,我们为评估缺失的值估算设计了一个称为“放大分数”的框架。我们提供基于密度比率和预测的具体的I-STRIP值,这适用于离散和连续的数据。不需要为评估遮盖额外的观测值,如果没有完全的观察值衡量值,也适用。 人口版本显示,我们最高级的等级通常与精确分布的估算方法相关,但从准确的准确的准确的估算值中可以得出。