The EU ESCAPE project is developing ESAP, ESFRI 1 Scientific Analysis Platform, as an API gateway that enables the seamless integration of independent services accessing distributed data and computing resources. In ESCAPE we are exploring the possibility of exploiting EGI's OpenStack cloud computing services through ESAP. In our contribution we briefly describe ESCAPE and ESAP, the the use cases, the work done to automate a virtual machine creation in EGI's OpenStack cloud computing, drawbacks and possible solutions.
翻译:欧盟的ESAE项目正在开发ESAP,ESFRI 1科学分析平台,作为AIP网关,使获得分布数据和计算资源的独立服务能够无缝地整合。在ESAE,我们正在探索通过ESAP利用EGI的开放式堆云计算服务的可能性。我们在其贡献中简要描述了ESAE和ESAP, 使用案例,在EGI的 OpenSack云计算、缺陷和可能的解决方案中实现虚拟机器创建自动化的工作。