The Pandora's Box problem models the search for the best alternative when evaluation is costly. In its simplest variant, a decision maker is presented with $n$ boxes, each associated with a cost of inspection and a distribution over the reward hidden within. The decision maker inspects a subset of these boxes one after the other, in a possibly adaptive ordering, and obtains as utility the difference between the largest reward uncovered and the sum of the inspection costs. While this classic version of the problem is well understood (Weitzman 1979), recent years have seen a flourishing of the literature on variants of the problem. In this paper, we introduce a general framework -- the Pandora's Box Over Time problem -- that captures a wide range of variants where time plays a role, e.g., as it might constrain the schedules of exploration and influence both costs and rewards. In the Pandora's Box Over Time problem, each box is characterized by time-dependent rewards and costs, and inspecting it might require a box-specific processing time. Moreover, once a box is inspected, its reward may deteriorate over time, possibly differently for each box. Our main result is an efficient $21.3$-approximation to the optimal strategy, which is NP-hard to compute in general. We further obtain improved results for the natural special cases where boxes have no processing time, or when costs and reward distributions do not depend on time (but rewards may deteriorate after inspecting).