Heterogeneous information networks (HINs) are ubiquitous in real-world applications. Due to the heterogeneity in HINs, the typed edges may not fully align with each other. In order to capture the semantic subtlety, we propose the concept of aspects with each aspect being a unit representing one underlying semantic facet. Meanwhile, network embedding has emerged as a powerful method for learning network representation, where the learned embedding can be used as features in various downstream applications. Therefore, we are motivated to propose a novel embedding learning framework---AspEm---to preserve the semantic information in HINs based on multiple aspects. Instead of preserving information of the network in one semantic space, AspEm encapsulates information regarding each aspect individually. In order to select aspects for embedding purpose, we further devise a solution for AspEm based on dataset-wide statistics. To corroborate the efficacy of AspEm, we conducted experiments on two real-words datasets with two types of applications---classification and link prediction. Experiment results demonstrate that AspEm can outperform baseline network embedding learning methods by considering multiple aspects, where the aspects can be selected from the given HIN in an unsupervised manner.
翻译:电子信息网络(HINs)在现实世界应用中普遍存在。由于HINs的异质性,输入的边缘可能不完全对齐。为了捕捉语义微妙性,我们提出方方面面的概念,每个方面都是代表一个基本语义面的单位。与此同时,网络嵌入已成为学习网络代表的强大方法,学习的嵌入可用作各种下游应用的特征。因此,我们有志于提出一个新的学习框架-AspEm-以基于多个方面保存 HINs的语义信息。不是将网络的信息保存在一个语义空间,而是将每个方面的信息单独包罗在一起。为了选择嵌入目的的方方面,我们进一步根据全局统计数据为AspEm设计了一个解决方案。为了证实AspEm的功效,我们进行了两个真实词数据集的实验,其中两种是应用-分类-AspEm- 以保存 HIN 的语义信息。通过实验性模型模型,从多个基流学方法中演示了Eploveal ASiming Embreal 方法。