The fault tolerance of quantum devices requires on-par contributions from error-correcting codes and suitable decoders. One of the most explored error-correcting codes is the family of Quantum Low-Density Parity Check (QLDPC) codes. Although faster than many of the reported decoders for QLDPC codes, iterative decoders fail due to the colossal degeneracy and short cycles intrinsic to these codes. We present a strategy to improve the performance of the iterative decoders based on a collaborative way to use the message passing of the iterative decoders and check node removal from the code's Tanner graph. We use the concept of bit separation and generalize it to qubit separation. This gives us a metric to analyze and improve the decoder's performance towards harmful configurations of QLDPC codes. We present a simple decoding architecture to overcome iterative decoding failures by increasing the separation of trapped qubits without incurring any significant overhead.