We derive a tight upper bound on the probability over $\mathbf{x}=(x_1,\dots,x_\mu) \in \mathbb{Z}^\mu$ uniformly distributed in $ [0,m)^\mu$ that $f(\mathbf{x}) = 0 \bmod N$ for any $\mu$-linear polynomial $f \in \mathbb{Z}[X_1,\dots,X_\mu]$ co-prime to $N$. We show that for $N=p_1^{r_1},...,p_\ell^{r_\ell}$ this probability is bounded by $\frac{\mu}{m} + \prod_{i=1}^\ell I_{\frac{1}{p_i}}(r_i,\mu)$ where $I$ is the regularized beta function. Furthermore, we provide an inverse result that for any target parameter $\lambda$ bounds the minimum size of $N$ for which the probability that $f(\mathbf{x}) \equiv 0 \bmod N$ is at most $2^{-\lambda} + \frac{\mu}{m}$. For $\mu =1$ this is simply $N \geq 2^\lambda$. For $\mu \geq 2$, $\log_2(N) \geq 8 \mu^{2}+ \log_2(2 \mu)\cdot \lambda$ the probability that $f(\mathbf{x}) \equiv 0 \bmod N$ is bounded by $2^{-\lambda} +\frac{\mu}{m}$. We also present a computational method that derives tighter bounds for specific values of $\mu$ and $\lambda$. For example, our analysis shows that for $\mu=20$, $\lambda = 120$ (values typical in cryptography applications), and $\log_2(N)\geq 416$ the probability is bounded by $ 2^{-120}+\frac{20}{m}$. We provide a table of computational bounds for a large set of $\mu$ and $\lambda$ values.
翻译:我们得出一个近20美元( mutbf{x_1,\ dots,x ⁇ mu) 的概率 $20 musb} (美元=p_1, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=m2, 美元=美元=美元=美元=美元=美元=美元=美元=m2, 数字=l=1美元=1美元=美元=美元=m2, 美元=m2x=ma=l=lc, 美元=m2x=m2xx, 美元=m2xxx, 美元=m2xxxx, 美元=l=lxxxxxx, 美元=2xxxxxxxx