Bournez, Fraigniaud, and Koegler defined a number in [0,1] as computable by their Large-Population Protocol (LPP) model, if the proportion of agents in a set of marked states converges to said number over time as the population grows to infinity. The notion, however, restricts the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) associated with an LPP to have only finitely many equilibria. This restriction places an intrinsic limitation on the model. As a result, a number is computable by an LPP if and only if it is algebraic, namely, not a single transcendental number can be computed under this notion. In this paper, we lift the finitary requirement on equilibria. That is, we consider systems with a continuum of equilibria. We show that essentially all numbers in [0,1] that are computable by bounded general-purpose analog computers (GPACs) or chemical reaction networks (CRNs) can also be computed by LPPs under this new definition. This implies a rich series of numbers (e.g., the reciprocal of Euler's constant, $\pi/4$, Euler's $\gamma$, Catalan's constant, and Dottie number) are all computable by LPPs. Our proof is constructive: We develop an algorithm that transfers bounded GPACs/CRNs into LPPs. Our algorithm also fixes a gap in Bournez et al.'s construction of LPPs designed to compute any arbitrary algebraic number in [0,1].
翻译:伯纳兹、 Fraigniaud 和 Koegler 在 [ 0, 1 中定义了一个数字,如果一组标志状态中的物剂比例随着人口增长到无限度而逐渐与上述数量趋同,则该数字可按其大人口议定书(LPP)模式计算。然而,该概念限制了与LPP相关的普通差异方程式(ODEs),使其只有有限的多种等离差性。这一限制使模型具有内在的局限性。因此,一个数字可以由LPP(LP)计算,如果而且只有在它具有代数的情况下,即无法根据这个概念计算出单一超异性数值。在本文件中,我们提高了对电子平衡度的固定要求。也就是说,我们考虑与LPP(O)相连接的普通类模拟计算机(GPA)或化学反应网络(CR)的固定值。根据这一新定义,LPP(LP(C)也可以由LP(LP)计算出一个丰富的数字序列(e. g.$,我们的直径直径直径直径直径直径直径直径的L& 等数)。