Compositionality proofs in higher-order languages are notoriously involved, and general semantic frameworks guaranteeing compositionality are hard to come by. In particular, Turi and Plotkin's bialgebraic abstract GSOS framework, which has been successfully applied to obtain off-the-shelf compositionality results for first-order languages, so far does not apply to higher-order languages. In the present work, we develop a theory of abstract GSOS specifications for higher-order languages, in effect transferring the core principles of Turi and Plotkin's framework to a higher-order setting. In our theory, the operational semantics of higher-order languages is represented by certain dinatural transformations that we term pointed higher-order GSOS laws. We give a general compositionality result that applies to all systems specified in this way, and we discuss how compositionality of the SKI calculus and the $\lambda$-calculus w.r.t. a strong variant of Abramsky's applicative bisimilarity are obtained as instances.
翻译:以高阶语言提供的构成证明臭名昭著,保证构成性的一般语义框架很难实现。特别是,图里语和普洛特金语的双地理抽象 GOS 框架成功地用于获得第一阶语言的现成构成性结果,但迄今为止并不适用于高阶语言。在目前的工作中,我们为高阶语言开发了抽象的GSOS规格理论,实际上将图里语和普洛特金语框架的核心原则转移到了更高阶环境。在我们理论中,高阶语言的操作性语义由某些自然变异所代表,我们称之为高阶 GOS 法律。我们给出了一个适用于所有系统的一般构成性结果,我们讨论SKI 计算法和 $\lambda$- caliculus w.r.t. 如何以实例获得Abramsky 的强大变异性双相似性。