The discrete $\alpha$-neighbor $p$-center problem (d-$\alpha$-$p$CP) is an emerging variant of the classical $p$-center problem which recently got attention in literature. In this problem, we are given a discrete set of points and we need to locate $p$ facilities on these points in such a way that the maximum distance between each point where no facility is located and its $\alpha$-closest facility is minimized. The only existing algorithms in literature for solving the d-$\alpha$-$p$CP are approximation algorithms and two recently proposed heuristics. In this work, we present two integer programming formulations for the d-$\alpha$-$p$CP, together with lifting of inequalities, valid inequalities, inequalities that do not change the optimal objective function value and variable fixing procedures. We provide theoretical results on the strength of the formulations and convergence results for the lower bounds obtained after applying the lifting procedures or the variable fixing procedures in an iterative fashion. Based on our formulations and theoretical results, we develop branch-and-cut (B&C) algorithms, which are further enhanced with a starting heuristic and a primal heuristic. We evaluate the effectiveness of our B&C algorithms using instances from literature. Our algorithms are able to solve 116 out of 194 instances from literature to proven optimality, with a runtime of under a minute for most of them. By doing so, we also provide improved solution values for 116 instances.
翻译:(d-alpha $-p$ p$ CP) 离散的 美元- 邻里美元- 美元- 中间点问题(d- alpha$- alpha$- p$ CP) 是一个新兴的典型美元- 中间点问题的变方。 在这个问题中,我们得到了一组离散的点,我们需要在这些点上定位美元设施,以便尽可能缩小每个点之间没有设施的地点与其最接近的设施之间的最大距离。 解决 d-alpha$- 美元- p$ 中间点的文献中仅有近似算法和最近提出的两个超偏差实例。 在这项工作中,我们为 d-$\ alpha$- p$ 中间点提出了两种整形的编程公式,同时提升了不平等、有效的不平等、不改变最佳目标函数值的不平等和变数修正程序。 我们在应用升级的提法程序或变数修正程序后获得了更低的界限的理论结果。 根据我们最接近的编程和理论的编程,我们用最接近的编程的编程的编程和演算法,我们更精细的编程的编程,我们用了一个直的算法, 我们的编程的编程的编程和校程的编程的编程的编程的编程和校程的编程的编程的编程的编程和校程和校程的校程的校程和校程的校程的校程, 也比。