Schwarz methods use a decomposition of the computational domain into subdomains and need to put boundary conditions on the subdomain boundaries. In domain truncation one restricts the unbounded domain to a bounded computational domain and also needs to put boundary conditions on the computational domain boundaries. It turns out to be fruitful to think of the domain decomposition in Schwarz methods as truncation of the domain onto subdomains. The first truly optimal Schwarz method that converges in a finite number of steps was proposed in 1994 and used precisely transparent boundary conditions as transmission conditions between subdomains. Approximating these transparent boundary conditions for fast convergence of Schwarz methods led to the development of optimized Schwarz methods -- a name that has become common for Schwarz methods based on domain truncation. Compared to classical Schwarz methods which use simple Dirichlet transmission conditions and have been successfully used in a wide range of applications, optimized Schwarz methods are much less well understood, mainly due to their more sophisticated transmission conditions. This present situation is the motivation for our survey: to give a comprehensive review and precise exploration of convergence behaviors of optimized Schwarz methods based on Fourier analysis taking into account the original boundary conditions, many subdomain decompositions and layered media. The transmission conditions we study include the lowest order absorbing conditions (Robin), and also more advanced perfectly matched layers (PML), both developed first for domain truncation.
翻译:Schwarz 方法使用计算域分解成子区域, 并需要将边界条件精确透明地用于子区域边界的传输条件。 在域断线中, 将未划定的域限制为封闭的计算域, 还需要将边界条件置于计算域域边界上。 将施瓦兹方法中的域分解视为将域分解成分解到亚区域。 1994年提出了第一个真正最佳的Schwarz 方法,该方法在有限的步骤中集中在一起, 并使用非常透明的边界条件作为子区域边界之间的传输条件。 接近于Schwarz 方法的透明边界条件, 使施瓦兹方法快速趋同于一个封闭的计算。 与传统的施瓦兹方法相比, 使用简单的Drichlet 传输条件和在广泛的应用中成功使用, 优化的施瓦兹方法远为不甚为清楚, 主要是因为它们之间的传输条件更为复杂。 目前的情况是, 将Schwarz 的透明地段分层比较一致, 进行我们最初的分层分析, 进行最精确的分解的分解的分层分析,, 包括: 最精确的分层的分层的分层的分层分析。