Coded caching scheme originally proposed by Maddah-Ali and Niesen (MN) considered a broadcast network consisting of a single server connected to a set of users each having a cache memory. Motivated by practical scenarios, Karamchandani \textit{et al.} in [16] proposed a coded caching scheme for a two-layer hierarchical network consisting of a single server connected to multiple mirror sites and each mirror site connected to a distinct set of users, in which both mirror sites and users having cache memories. Low subpacketization level coded caching schemes are desirable for practical implementations. Placement delivery array (PDA) was proposed as a tool to design coded caching schemes with reduced subpacketization level by Yan \textit{et al.} in [4]. Schemes with reduced subpacketization levels are studied extensively in the literature for single-layer networks. Kong \textit{et al.} in [17] proposed a structure called hierarchical placement delivery arrays (HPDA), which characterizes a hierarchical coded caching system and also proposed a class of HPDAs that gives low subpacketization level schemes by using two PDAs. Low subpacketization level hierarchical schemes using combinatorial $t$-designs is proposed in [20]. Apart from that there is no other existing work that discusses the subpacketization problem in a hierarchical network. This paper proposes a class of HPDA construction that gives low subpacketization level hierarchical coded caching schemes, by first constructing a new class of PDAs. Compared with the existing schemes, in cases where the system parameters and subpacketization level are the same, the proposed hierarchical scheme has a better coding delay. Further, the new class of PDAs constructed either subsumes several known PDA constructions or achieves better transmission load for the same system parameters.