项目名称: 套代数框架下时变线性系统的同时稳定化
项目编号: No.11501182
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 于天秋
作者单位: 黑龙江大学
项目金额: 18万元
中文摘要: 在线性系统理论中,三个及三个以上系统的同时稳定化问题已被公认为是难以解决的问题之一。尽管多年来,这方面出现了大量的研究成果,但是人们仍无法找到同两个系统同时稳定化类似的易于判定的充分必要条件。在本课题中,我们主要应用算子理论的方法和工具,利用互素因子分解的语言探讨套代数框架下时变线性系统的同时稳定化,建立保守性更弱的稳定性判据。在此基础上,给出同时稳定多个系统的控制器更为简洁的参数化表示。另外,我们将研究套代数框架下具有二次不变子空间约束的同时稳定化。
中文关键词: 套代数;时变线性系统;同时稳定;互素因子分解;控制器
英文摘要: The simultaneous stabilization problem for more than two SISO systems is recognized as one of the difficult open problems in linear system theory. Many results have been obtained for simultaneous stabilization in various frameworks. Despite all these efforts, at present no tractable necessary and sufficient conditions exist for simultaneous stabilization except for the case of two systems. In this project, we will study, in terms of doubly coprime factorization, the simultaneous stabilization of time-varying linear systems within the framework of nest algebras, using operator theoretic methods. New and less conservative stability criteria are established, Building on the results, we give the concise parameterization of simultaneously stabilizing controllers. Additionally, we consider the existence of simultaneously stabilizing time-varying controllers in the given QI subspace within the framework of nest algebras.
英文关键词: nest algebra;time-varying linear systems;simultaneous stabilization;coprime factorizations;controllers