项目名称: 麦红吸浆虫风载迁飞的生理生态学基础
项目编号: No.31201513
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 植物保护学、园艺学与植物营养学
项目作者: 苗进
作者单位: 河南省农业科学院
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 麦红吸浆虫是一种世界性的小麦害虫,已对我国小麦的安全生产构成严重威胁。申请人最近研究表明,麦红吸浆虫可能存在一条新的远距离扩散途径,即远距离高空风载迁飞,但麦红吸浆虫进行风载迁飞的生理和生态学基础却还不清楚。本项目将在首次研究报道麦红吸浆虫随气流远距离扩散迁飞的基础上,进行以下研究:(1)利用飞行磨对麦红吸浆虫雌、雄虫的飞行能力进行测试,利用电镜观察迁飞个体(雌虫)与非迁飞个体(雄虫)的飞行肌结构上的差异,并研究不同羽化时间、风速、温度、光照以及寄主挥发物(小麦扬花期)等因素对其飞行能力的影响。(2)在3个不同的观测点分别进行空中捕捉和地面调查,研究麦红吸浆虫风载迁飞行为与温度,湿度,光照、风速等气象因素以及种群密度,寄主生育期等生物因素的关系。研究结果将有助于进一步明确麦红吸浆虫的迁飞机制,揭示其成灾的规律,对于提高麦红吸浆虫的预测预报水平以及区域防治都具有重要的理论和实践意义。
中文关键词: 麦红吸浆虫;飞行能力;嗅觉结合蛋白;同步性;飞行肌
英文摘要: The wheat midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Gehin), is a serious pest of wheat, in the world, and threatening wheat safety in China. The recent researches indicate that the population of Sitodiplosis mosellana can long-distantly migrate and disperse with air current. But, the physiological and ecological basis of wind-borne migration of Sitodiplosis mosellana is not clear. Based on first reporting of the long-distantly migration of Sitodiplosis mosellana, this project will do some researches including: (1) the flight performance of females and males of Sitodiplosis mosellana will be investigated with a flight-mill system. The ultrastructure of flight muscle of migratory (female adults) and non- migratory (male adults) Sitodiplosis mosellana will be examined by the electron microscope. And, the effect of temperature, humidity, wind speed, illumination and wheat volatiles on flight performance of Sitodiplosis mosellana will be researched. (2) In order to research on the connection of meteorology factors (temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation, etc), biology factors (population density, crop growth and development period, etc) and migration, the population dynamics of Sitodiplosis mosellana was investigated in 3 different observation points. The results are useful for defining the migration mechanism, reveal
英文关键词: Sitodiplosis mosellana;flight capacity;odorant-binding proteins;synchronization;flight muscles