项目名称: 重力/重力梯度补偿水下惯性导航系统理论和算法研究
项目编号: No.41474061
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 陈永冰
作者单位: 中国人民解放军海军工程大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 为了提高自身的隐蔽性和水下生存能力,潜艇需具备长航时、大潜深、高精度的导航定位能力。使用正常重力模型以代替实际重力的传统惯导已难以满足潜艇的应用需求。使用计算的或实测的重力/重力梯度值,从中分离引力加速度,可以避免因惯导位置不准确所带来的计算误差。本项目以海洋重力数据为基础,结合惯性导航系统的加速度二阶微分方程组,利用Laplace状态空间法和Kalman滤波理论,研究重力补偿惯性导航系统的理论和算法;研究利用重力异常计算重力梯度的位场转换理论和算法;研究各类重力梯度校正惯性导航系统的有效性和可用性;研究利用重力梯度数据校正惯性导航系统的理论和算法。同时研究在水下惯性导航系统中装备海洋重力仪,利用实测重力数据校正惯性导航系统的数据融合理论和数据处理技术。本研究将在重力测量数据应用方面开辟一个新的方向,在国内具有一定的首创性,对提高水下惯性导航系统的定位性能具有重要的理论意义和军事应用价值。
中文关键词: 扰动重力;重力补偿;惯性导航;重力测量;重力梯度
英文摘要: To improve the concealing and surviving ability,submarines need high performance navigation system with long time,deep depth and high precision characteristics.The conventional INS adopts normal gravity for real gravity,which is difficult to meet the application need of submarines.By making use of computed or mesured gravity/gradient,seperating gravitational force, the computed errors caused by the uncorrected INS position errors can be avoided.Starting from the second order differential equations of accelerations, this application will investigate the effects of marine gravity variations to INS, investigate state variable model and Kalman filter theory of gravity data.To convert gravity data into gravity gradient data,the potential conversion theory and algorithms will also be studied.The availability and usability of these converted gradient data on INS will be analyzed. The theoretical investigation and algorithm of gravity gradient data corrections to INS.Meanwhile,data fusion theory on the INS and actual marine gravimeter will be established.These investigations above will build a new direction for the use of gravity data and possess a certain pioneer sprit.The programme will significantly extend the underwater alighment period of INS and is very important of its theoretical meaning and military application.
英文关键词: gravity disturbance;gravity compensation;inertial navigation;gravity measurement;gravity gradient