项目名称: 行波快堆中的临界波特性研究
项目编号: No.11205098
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学II
项目作者: 胡珀
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 发展快堆技术是实现核能可持续利用的关键一环。本研究对象为行波快堆中的核临界波,堆芯点火区'点火'产生核临界波后,该波将在次临界区定向移动,临界波所处区域的中子通量分布,核素密度分布以及功率分布都是不变的。目前尚未形成一个广泛认可的临界波分析理论。本项目将从理论研究入手,建立较通用的临界波控制方程,应用孤立波理论,构造求解该方程的临界波解,研究临界波的产生、发展以及湮灭的机理;然后应用改进的蒙特卡洛程序对该方程和孤立波解进行验证计算,并在理论解的指导下计算优化行波快堆中临界波的传播性能。
中文关键词: 行波;快堆;;;
英文摘要: Fast reactor technology is a key step towards the sustainable utilization of nulear power. Current research will focus on the critical wave in the traveling wave fast reactor. After a nuclear critical wave is triggered in the ignitor zone of the core, the wave will move in a designated direction through the subcritical zone. However, there is no a well-accepted critical wave theory. This research will establish the general critical wave governing equations based on theoritical work, and by appling the solitary wave theory, a solitary wave solution to the equations will be constructed, then the generation, development and annihilation of the critical wave will be studied. A modified Monte Carlo code will be used to benchmark the prediction of critical wave equations and solitary solution, and optimize the wave characteristics in traveling wave reactors under the guide of the theoritical analysis.
英文关键词: traveling wave;fast reactor;;;