项目名称: 生物材料支架诱导成年内源性干细胞修复脑损伤的机理及应用研究
项目编号: No.31271037
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 杨朝阳
作者单位: 首都医科大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 研究表明,成年脑许多区域都存在神经前体细胞,它们具有不断生成新的神经元的潜能。因此,通过诱导内源性神经干细胞修复脑损伤是未来研究的重点方向之一。遗憾的是,成年的神经发生数量太少,不足以修复脑损伤。生物材料支架可将生物活性分子递送到损伤部位,激活内源性的神经发生,重建损伤的神经回路。因此需要对材料支架进行全面研究,构建能够激活脑神经发生并实现有效神经再生(功能重建)的生物材料支架。 预实验结果证明:将我们研制的生物材料支架移植到成年大鼠海马CA1缺损区后,支架可诱导内源性神经干细胞的增殖、神经元样细胞和轴突的再生,并伴有认知功能障碍改善的作用。 本课题拟在前期工作的基础上,评价支架移植后脑结构再生和神经生理功能恢复情况,深入观察内源性神经干细胞的来源、迁移、分化成熟及神经环路重建等内源性神经发生的过程,探索材料支架诱导脑再生过程中差异基因表达及分子调控通路。
中文关键词: 脑损伤;内源性;神经干细胞;生物材料支架;移植
英文摘要: Studies have shown that there are neural stem cells (NSCs) which have potential to differentiate into newly neurons in the many areas of the adult mammalian brain. Therefore, this is the key direction for future research on repairing brain trauma by activation endogenous NSCs. Unfortunately, the neurogenesis amount stimulated by the injury or diseases is too small to repair brain trauma. Biological scaffolds can deliver bioactive molecules to the lesioned area and activation the endogenous neurogenesis to reconstruction the damaged neural circuits. So we need comprehensive study on the biological scaffold, prepare the biological scaffold which can activate the endogenous neurogenesis and rebuild the damaged functional neural circuits. Pre-exprimental results suggested the biological scaffold can stimulate the intrinsic NSCs to proliferate, differentiate into neuron-like cells, axons growth and ultimately lead to improvement of cognitive dysfunction. On the basis of preliminary work, the topic will focus on the evaluation of the brain structure regeneration and neurophysiological function recovery, concern deeply the origin of the endogenous NSCs, migration, differentiation, maturation, rebuilding the neural circuits and the process of the endogenous neurogenesis. We also concern the gene expression and the mole
英文关键词: Brain trauma;intrinsic;Neural stem cells;Biological scaffolds;transplant